10 Things the Optimist International Foundation Accomplished in 2017


Sent 136 students off to college with Optimist International oratorical, essay, and CCDHH scholarships totaling $315,800.


Helped 352 Optimists help 7,027 children and their families by awarding 22 Club Grants including 2 grants to Clubs in Africa.


Assisted Clubs in receiving $303,158 in charitable contributions for their own local programs through the Pass Through program.


Supported the Optimist International Oratorical World Championship Contest by funding the US and International winners totaling $35,000.


Paid out $384,052 to Clubs utilizing the Club Campaign program and added an additional $21,421 in interest to Club Campaign funds.


Ended the year with 204 Members to the Women’s Philanthropy Council, which will fund two scholarships and two Club grants in 2018.


Launched initiative to provide $100 grants to new JOI Clubs with 25 Members or more to help conduct service projects.