Optimist International Foundation Women's Philanthropy Council

The purpose of the Women’s Philanthropy Council is to keep women connected to Optimist International and empower them by assisting them with their philanthropy. There are all kinds of women involved in Optimism – some young and career-minded, others who just like to help kids, some who started with their husbands and either participated or joined. We want to recognize everyone’s efforts, keep them involved, make sure they know about the Foundation, and assist them in any way possible as they consider making gifts – either during their lives or through their estates.


Craig Boring - Board Liason

Debra "Deb" Castiglia - AZ

Jo-Ann Finn - STX

Violet "Vi" Hayworth - NFL

Merlene Hercules - CAR

Joey Richardson - GATE

Julie Robison - INDN

Nancy Ryan - AL-MS

LaVera Seymour - AC

Steve Sucher - MI